VPS Hosting


99.9% Uptime Guarantee

Count on our commitment to a 99.9% uptime guarantee, ensuring your website is consistently available to your audience.

Safe and Secured

Experience enhanced security and accelerated server performance for your hosting needs.

Our Dedicated Support

Experience dedicated support round the clock, ensuring prompt assistance and expert guidance for your hosting needs.

Pricing Plans


VPS 1 2 GB 20 GB SSD 1 CPU $80 2 TB Order Now
VPS 2 4 GB 40 GB SSD 1 CPU $110 4 TB Order Now
VPS 3 8 GB 80 GB SSD 2 CPU $175 8 TB Order Now
VPS 4 16 GB 160 GB SSD 4 CPU $295 16 TB Order Now
VPS 5 24 GB 240 GB SSD 6 CPU $356.99 24 TB Order Now


All Service Plans Include

Unlimited Features

Unique Service

One month discount for annual payments

Choose the VPS specifications that completely suit your business

Additional HDD space

The hard disk space might be easily increased at a price of $5 per month for each 150 GB HDD

Additional NVME SSD space

The disk space might be easily increased at a price of $5 per month for each 50 GB NVME SSD

Additional RAM

The RAM might be easily increased at a price of $5 per month for each 4 GB of RAM

Additional IPs

The number of IPs might be easily increased at a price of $2 per month for each additional IP

Looking for Dedicated Servers?

NoonServ offers complete, high-performance servers at the best prices.

SSL Certificate

Get a paid SSL Certificate for free for the entire subscription period.

Days money back guarantee

Your satisfaction is our priority. Enjoy peace of mind with our 5-day money-back guarantee, risk-free hosting tailored to your needs.

Build and protect your brand

Build and protect your brand with our hosting solutions. Reliable performance and robust security for your online presence.